Do Dummies Damage Children’s Teeth?

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Do Dummies Damage Children’s Teeth?

Concerned using a dummy frequently might be affecting your child’s oral health?

In this article, we’ll discuss whether using a dummy on a regular basis will damage your child’s teeth, what happens if it’s left unchecked and how you can help prevent it with Bald Hills Dental.

Will Using a Dummy Affect My Child’s Teeth?

When used on a short term basis or sporadically when your child is upset, using a dummy will not affect your child’s teeth (as long as it’s in conjunction with good oral health management)

However, prolonged and frequent use, may have some long-term impacts on your child’s oral health. This is known as “pacifier teeth”.

When Does Dummy Use Affect a Child’s Teeth?

Frequent, unnecessary dummy use will affect your child’s teeth as they grow and develop. Most medical professionals recommend you begin to scale back usage of a dummy to pacify your child (if they aren’t asleep) when they are between 6 months to a year old, though it can continue up until they turn 2.

Children over the age of 3 should not be using dummies frequently (if at all) as this is when it can really have a detrimental effect on their oral health. By the age of 4,  your child will begin to grow adult teeth under their baby teeth.

What Happens if a Child Overuses a Dummy?

In terms of their oral health, there are a few things that can happen if you encourage your child to use a dummy past a certain age. This includes (but isn’t limited to):

– speech/language delays
– social issues such as anxiety
– dependency on dummies
– poor sleep
– poor fine motor development
– misaligned bites
– gingival recess (gum loss)
– cavities
– breathing problems
– swallowing and chewing issues
– incorrect positioning of jaw, teeth or roof of mouth
– skin problems
– increase in ear aches
– increase in mouth or tooth infection
– joint pain

It’s worth noting that if a child is given a dummy too early in their development, it may create problems with breastfeeding, which could also lead to these issues as well as other health concerns.

Will Teeth Correct Themselves if Dummy Use Stops ( & What Are Common Treatments)?

Unfortunately, once dummy use has damaged your child’s teeth, it will not fix itself without intervention from a dental professional. Depending on the severity of the damage (and the age at which it occurs), treatments include:

– braces
– specially modified dummies
– veneers
– retainers
– bite blocks

Can Pacifier Teeth Be Permanent?

In really severe cases, pacifier teeth can be permanent. But it depends on the individual and when attempts are made at correcting it. But the above treatments are considered to be effective if you diagnose the issue early on in your child’s development.

How Bald Hills Dental Can Help Prevent & Treat Pacifier Teeth

At Bald Hills Dental, we specialise in a range of general dentistry and orthodontic services, and can advise you on improving your child’s oral health and preventing pacifier teeth.

We’re committed to making our patients feel as comfortable as possible during their dental check ups or procedures and take extra care with children or those who find themselves anxious with the process.

Time to address your child’s pacifier teeth? Contact Bald Hills Dental to arrange an appointment today.

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