From Misaligned to Perfect Smile: How Invisalign Can Change Your Life

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From Misaligned to Perfect Smile: How Invisalign Can Change Your Life

Interested in an Invisalign transformation for your crooked teeth?

In this article, we’ll discuss what Invisalign is and Invisalign effectiveness, traditional braces vs Invisalign, Invisalign treatment process and how we can help.

Invisalign Transformation: What It Is & How It Works

The Invisalign treatment process is when you wear aligners to straighten your teeth. Usually, there are around 6 stages of an Invisalign transformation, including:

– visiting your orthodontist
– developing a treatment plan
– creating your Invisalign
– wearing your aligners
– refining your Invisalign treatment process
– maintenance

Traditional Braces v Invisalign: Invisalign Effectiveness

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are clear and removable (in the same way a mouth guard is). Let’s discuss some of the main benefits of the Invisalign treatment process and Invisalign effectiveness.


One of the major benefits of Invisalign is that while they do need to be worn for approximately 20 to 22 hours a day, they are removable. This makes simple tasks like brushing your teeth and eating much easier.

However, it’s worth noting that because you can remove them, you also need to remember to wear them for the recommended period of time if you want to enjoy the full Invisalign transformation.

More Comfortable

When comparing traditional braces vs Invisalign, a clear advantage of the latter is that they are infinitely more comfortable than traditional braces. In our experience, this means patients are usually more open to the treatment, which brings us to our next advantage.


Traditional braces are considered a more invasive procedure and some people find it painful. This is not something you have to worry about when you choose the Invisalign treatment process.

In most cases, scanning is non-invasive so even tweaks aren’t as stressful as what you might experience with traditional braces, and it’s likely you will have to visit us less frequently.

Precise, Expedited Treatment

Braces are effective, but they may take a long time to work (approximately 18 months). On the other hand, the Invisalign treatment process is about a year.

Fewer Restrictions

Invisalign has fewer restrictions than what you would experience with braces. While traditional braces require you to avoid sticky, hard foods like lollies or caramels, you’re free to consume these when you have Invisalign.

Just remember to remove the Invisalign before eating and only drink water if you still have them in place.

Prevent Future Issues

Research suggests that people who require braces may have increased dental problems in the future. By getting Invisalign treatment processes early, you can possibly circumvent this.

How Bald Hills Dental Can Help

At Bald Hills Dental, we specialise in a range of general dentistry and orthodontic services, and can advise you on improving your oral health.

We’re committed to making our patients feel as comfortable as possible during their dental check ups or procedures and take extra care with children or those who find themselves anxious with the process.

Ready to find out more about the Invisalign treatment process or get started with your Invisalign transformation? Book an appointment with our professional dentists today.

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