How Often Should You Go To the Dentist?

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How Often Should You Go To the Dentist?

We all know how important oral hygiene is, but just how often should you go to the dentist?

In this article, we’ll focus on just how often you should go to the dentist, how to take care of your teeth and how the team at Bald Hills Dental can help.

How Frequently Should You Go to the Dentist?

Definitive information on how often you should have a dental check up can be hard to find. It’s something that differs from person to person so if you’re unsure, it’s best to check with your dentist.

However, the general guideline is that both adults and children should have regular check ups every six to 12 months.

How to Take Care of Your Oral Hygiene

Even as professional dentists aiming to make your experience as comfortable as possible, we know we aren’t everyone’s favourite people. Here are some tips we’ve put together to maintain the health of your teeth and avoid visiting us more frequently than you would like.

Brush Your Teeth Twice Daily

It is recommended that both children and adults brush their teeth (and gums) twice daily to maintain their oral hygiene. While some people like to stick to after breakfast and before bed, it really doesn’t matter when you do it, as long as you do.

Don’t Forget About Your Tongue

Clean your teeth on a regular basis but still having issues. It may be your tongue! In addition to cleaning your teeth and gums twice a day, you also want to clean your tongue on a regular basis.

If you’re really committed, you can use a tongue scraper, but the job can be done just as easily if you use your toothbrush.

Replace Your Toothbrush Regularly

Your toothbrush is something you want to keep clean, and over time it will wear out. As such, you should replace your toothbrush at least once every three months.

Use a Flouride Toothpaste

Fluoride is very good for your teeth, but not all toothpastes contain it. Your dentist will be able to recommend a fluoride-based toothpaste for you to use if the brand you currently use doesn’t have it.

Use Mouthwash

Worried about bad breath? Use mouthwash after brushing your teeth to avoid any nasty odours.

Avoid Soft Drinks & Coffee

If you ask us, the best way to quench your thirst is by drinking water. Where possible, avoid drinks and foods like soft drinks, coffee or sticky sweets that may stain your teeth or cause damage.

When treating yourself to sugary drinks or coffee, consider using a straw.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking is terrible for your health in general, but did you know that it can damage your teeth? If you smoke or vape on a regular basis, consider giving up if you want to avoid the dentist and other serious health problems.

Teeth Aren’t Tools

How many times have you gone to open stubborn packaging with your teeth? Doing so may damage them and cause you to visit us more often.

Help Children Develop Good Habits

Oral hygiene is important for everyone, but it’s particularly important for children. Help them develop good habits to keep their teeth healthy by having them mimic your own.

Don’t Overbrush

You may think that brushing your teeth more than twice a day can only do you good, but that’s actually not the case. People who brush their teeth up to four times a day can experience issues like enamel damage or weakened teeth.

How Bald Hills Dental Can Help

At Bald Hills Dental, we specialise in a range of general dentistry and orthodontic services. We’re committed to making our patients feel as comfortable as possible during their dental check ups and take extra care with children or those who find themselves anxious with the process.

If it’s time you had a dental check up, don’t put it off! Contact our experienced and welcoming team today at Bald Hills Dental. 

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