How to Prepare for the Dentist

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How to Prepare for the Dentist

Booked your dental check-up and want to be prepared? This is the place for you.

In this article, we’ll discuss the key things you should do to prepare for a visit to the dentist – from tips to reducing anxiety and stress to cleaning your teeth and what you should or should not eat. We’ll also discuss how Bald Hills Dental can help make your appointments more comfortable.

How Can I Prepare for the Dentist

There are several things you can do to prepare yourself for a trip to the dentist. In this section we’ll go through some of the most common things our patients find helpful.


As professionals in our industry, we know and understand that some people don’t like going to the dentist, or even have a real, legitimate fear about it. So when we say, “Relax!”, it isn’t very helpful. Here are some things you can put into practice:

– use mindfulness to remind yourself it’s nothing to worry about
– don’t focus on your upcoming appointment (listen to music or read a book while waiting in the reception area)
– try deep breathing or guided imagery
– bring a weighted blanket to your appointment

Ultimately the best thing you can do to reduce stress and anxiety in these situations is talk to your dentist. Make us aware of your concerns so we can discuss them and put you at ease. Ask for frequent breaks if you have a longer or more intense appointment.

Arrive Early

When you’re worried about an appointment, the last thing you want to do is compound the issue by arriving late. Make sure you show up a little early so we can get through your check up and/or dental work within the allotted time, and do so at a pace you’re comfortable with.

If you’re attending a new practitioner for the first time, you may want to get there extra early, so you can complete any required paperwork without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

Bring Any Documentation or X Rays Required

We keep records of in-house procedures and x-rays on file. But, if you have a follow up appointment or need to have an x-ray at an external location, you may be asked to bring your x-rays and other documentation to your appointment.

Be sure to bring all your identification and documentation (such as Medicare and health insurance or pension card information) so it’s all at hand and ready to go.

Make a List

Anxiety or stress can make you forgetful so if you have a few things to ask us, write them down. Also, don’t be afraid to ask us any questions you want (even ones you may find embarrassing).

Anything you tell us regarding your health is confidential. Trust us, we don’t bite!


It’s a good idea to eat before you come to the dentist as hunger can make you feel sick or uncomfortable.

– food or drinks with colouring or additives
– food or drinks that trigger sensitivity
– anything too hot or cold
– any sticky or sugary products

How Bald Hills Dental Can Help

At Bald Hills Dental, we specialise in a range of general dentistry and orthodontic services with reduced stress and anxiety. We’re committed to making our patients feel as comfortable as possible during their dental check ups and take extra care with children or those who find themselves anxious with the process.

Find out more about how to prepare for your dental check up by talking to our experienced, friendly team at Bald Hills Dental today.

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