Signs You Have a Cavity

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Signs You Have a Cavity

Having problems with your teeth? You may have a cavity.

In this article we discuss the signs you have a cavity, what happens if cavities go untreated and how the experts at Bald Hills Dental can help.

What is a Cavity?

Before we get into the symptoms of cavities, let’s touch upon what they actually are.

A cavity is an area on your tooth’s surface that becomes damaged and starts to decay. There are a number of  different things that can cause cavities including:

– improper cleaning or flossing methods
– consuming too many sugary foods or drinks
– plaque build up
– lack of fluoride
– bacteria
– age

Can Cavities Heal Themselves?

Unfortunately, once you get a cavity, it won’t simply “go away”. The only proven way to treat cavities and prevent the tooth decay from spreading is to get a filling in the affected teeth. In more severe cases, you may need a root canal. 

Signs You Might Have a Cavity

Just as there are many reasons you may develop cavities, there are also several signs you may have one. These include:

Tooth Sensitivity

If your teeth are feeling more sensitive than usual – particularly when consuming foods and drinks that you don’t normally have an issue with – it might be a sign you have a cavity.


There are many, many reasons you might have a toothache, but one may be that you have a cavity. If you have a cavity, it may cause severe problems including abscesses which could be the reason for your pain.

Difficulty Chewing

Having trouble chewing your food? The cause could be cavities.

Bleeding or Swollen Gums

Gums that bleed often or are swollen are never a good sign. One of the causes could be a cavity.

Bad Breath

If you clean your teeth regularly, floss and use mouthwash, but still have bad breath, you might want to see a dentist to treat any potential cavities.

What Happens if Cavities Are Left Untreated?

It’s not good to leave a cavity untreated because over time, the decay from the affected teeth will spread to your healthy teeth. As a result, you could:

– lose teeth
– be in pain or discomfort
– develop infections

If you think you have a cavity, the best course of action is to book an appointment with your dentist.

How Bald Hills Dental Can Help

At Bald Hills Dental, we specialise in a range of general dentistry and orthodontic services, and can advise you on improving your oral health (including tips for cavity prevention).

We’re committed to making our patients feel as comfortable as possible during their dental check ups or procedures and take extra care with children or those who find themselves anxious with the process.

Suffering from these symptoms? Get in touch with our experienced, friendly team at Bald Hills Dental to arrange a check up.

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