What Causes Tooth Decay in Children?

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What Causes Tooth Decay in Children?

Worried about your child’s oral health and want to know more about the causes of tooth decay?

In this article, we’ll discuss the common causes of tooth decay in children, why they’re more susceptible to cavities and how you can help prevent it with Bald Hills Dental.

What is Tooth Decay & Why Are Children More Susceptible?

Essentially, tooth decay is when the enamel that protects a tooth breaks down. If left untreated, it can result in severe oral health problems, especially in children.

While no one is necessarily immune to tooth decay, children in particular are more susceptible to the cavities and caries created by tooth decay. This is because their baby teeth are weaker than adult teeth and not yet used to the mechanisms of chewing.

What Are the Common Causes of Tooth Decay in Children?

There is no one cause of tooth decay in children. Some of the most common reasons it may occur include: 

Increased Sugar in Diet

Sometimes children have more sugar in their diets than adults. This results in cavities and tooth decay.

Frequent Snacking

If your child is always hungry, you may find that their frequent snacking (particularly if their snacks aren’t overly healthy) results in the early signs of tooth decay.

Poor Oral Hygiene (Either Own Routine or Other Family Members’)

Children learn by example so if they aren’t taught to develop a healthy routine around their oral care – or you are not setting a good foundation for them in your own routines or that of siblings) – you cannot expect them to take it seriously.

Set aside some time and teach your child to brush their teeth properly. You should ensure your child brushes their teeth daily when the first tooth appears and starts flossing by age 2. Understandably, you may have to help them with this process to begin with.


We all know children tend to put things in their mouth that they probably shouldn’t, which in turn exposes them to bacteria. Over time, bacteria will lead to issues with teeth.

Sharing Eating Utensils/Dummies Etc

Is your child offering you food off their own plate, and expecting you to use their utensils? You don’t want to encourage this as it may result in spreading bacteria and other germs.

Additionally, avoid cleaning your child’s dummy with your saliva. Sure it may be tempting the next time your toddler drops their dummy on the floor to adopt the “5 second rule” to clean it. We’re here to put a stop to that practice.

How Bald Hills Dental Can Help Prevent Tooth Decay in Children

At Bald Hills Dental, we specialise in a range of general dentistry and orthodontic services, and can advise you on improving your child’s oral health and tips for helping them develop a healthy, regular regime.

We’re committed to making our patients feel as comfortable as possible during their dental check ups or procedures and take extra care with children or those who find themselves anxious with the process. 

Need to book an appointment for your child’s tooth decay? Contact our experienced team today.

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